FabFlava Meat Rub
Fangboner Farms

FabFlava Meat Rub

I just got into really using meat rubs a few years ago. I thought they were strictly for grilling. Found out I was wrong. I use meat rubs on all my chicken, burgers and even fish. I think they give much more flavor than marinades and they have such a wonderful aroma when they’re cooking.

The first one I made is FabFlava Meat Rub. I made this using pretty much every culinary herb we grow here  on our Ohio farm– and of course sea salt and black pepper (which we don’t grow.) It has that wonderful earthy aroma of culture and since I don’t ground my herbs very fine (I’m one of those cooks who likes to rub the herbs between my fingers and grind them when I add them to the pot) they are the perfect texture to rub into whatever meat you want to use. Disclaimer: Flavor Flav doesn’t endorse this meat rub- although I’m sure he’d love it if he tried it. And since I changed up the name a bit there’s no copyright infringement.

2 oz bag.